From One Year in Silence to Purposely Famous

Learn The "Inner Game" Secrets Discovered From

A Year-Long Vow Of Silence…

that reveals how to be more


– even when you’re NOT meditating

Whether you’re at work, playing, or chilling out at home, Meditation creates the foundation to live an exceptionally well-rounded emotional, financial, and spiritual life.

Stay Calm, Cool, and Stress-Free... Anytime, Anywhere


Unlock your Year in Silence Tiny Training and 4 Bonuses now!


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FACT: Those who learn how to master their emotions will thrive above the everyone else in the future.

Why? Because while everyone else is full of doubt, shame, guilt, anger, frustration, or procrastination...

You'll finally stop fighting yourself, losing time, and become...


BONUS: Download your FREE Purposely Peaceful to Purposely Famous roadmap so that you'll know your best options to live the ultimate PURPOSEFUL life!

See what these Purposely Peaceful people say after working with Karin:

"I learned how to trust myself again"

HR Manager

"Now I listen to my true needs"


"I' can multitask and still be stress free"


"I stopped being reactive and triggered

Software Engineer

"I have a higher state of consciousness"

Spiritual Leader



Say "no" to negativity that drains your brain


Turn your intuition into your biggest superpower


Become resourceful to find solutions to anything


Build influence and reach your fullest potential

Meditation makes you POWERFUL

Are you tired of:

Not having enough time to do everything that you want?

The days and weeks overrun by a slew of responsibilities?

Daily barrage of mental chatter that monopolize your focus?

The ambition that got you to where you are today hasn't fast tracked to reach your progress like it's supposed to?

Even though you’ve done everything right -

you're ready to get the most out of life, and have the inner peace and confidence to actually get THERE

If you're like me, you hate the fake, phony, and flashy-just-to-be-flashy stuff out there.

That's why I created the Purposely Famous lifestyle where it's all about being

"Famous" for yourself first.

At the core of it all is knowing your purpose...

And before any applause, accolades, or leaving a legacy...

-It's about waking up every day with a peace of mind

-Knowing your loved ones are safe, happy, and healthy

-No more waiting or wondering when life will get easier


Focus & Fun

Calm & Crazy 

Serious & Silly

Science & Spirituality

Parties & Purpose

BECAUSE TRUTH IS: There's a bunch of stuff in the world that kinda sucks!

You often can't control what happens to you...

So here's what I've done instead:

I went from being a nerdy kid to building a glamorous career working behind the scenes for celebrities & influencers...

But still felt empty inside.

Out of pure desperation, I shaved my head and meditated without talking, reading, or writing for an entire year!

After leaving the monastery, I found my purpose to live again

After years of testing how to adapt the ancient meditation techniques to modern living, FINALLY...

I believe in myself again. I'm happy every day.

I have the clarity on how to do work that I love on my terms and LIVE A LIFE FULL OF PURPOSE

And you can build the life you love too! My YEAR IN SILENCE Tiny Training has super easy steps to follow


Challenging situations become easier as you'll learn how to shift focus on whatever you want

(Bring. It. On!)

- No more stress during crazy busy and chaotic situations

- No more harsh judgments against yourself or other people

- No more wasting time on negative people or their bad attitudes

- No more imposter syndrome or impossible expectations

- Move past PTSD and traumatic experiences that keep you stuck in a rut

Most of our biggest role models - from celebrities to business gurus - have a SPIRITUAL PRACTICE - it's the secret weapon that can build your success too

Here's what's included in the


that's FREE to try out:

  • Technique 1: How to stay peaceful, centered, and sharp in any situation

  • Technique 2: Stay focused despite conflicting thoughts and sounds around you

  • Technique 3: Build confidence and feel invincible and unstoppable every day

  • Technique 4: Fall asleep immediately and sleep peacefully all night

  • Technique 5: Walk, talk, move around and do daily tasks with more ease

  • Technique 6: Eat mindfully in a way that smoothes digestion and your soul

  • Bonus 1: A sneak peek into why you need to befriend your "dark side"

  • Bonus 2: Downloadable Purposely Famous roadmap

  • Bonus 3: Get my Facebook ad template that's worth $1 million USD

  • Bonus 4: "Are you living a 5-star lifestyle" assessment

Find Peace in the middle of Chaos.... this is what it's all about!

But what if you don't wanns sit still because

it's so plain boring?

I’m NOT a guru...

But sitting for one year in

silence revealed secrets to

me about finding solutions

that can’t be found

anywhere else

I've been a Talent Agent to the world’s best neuroscientists who have broken down how meditation affects our neurochemistry.

The concepts in their books were easy to read but took me a full year to internalize in the monastery in Myanmar.

I didn’t just learn these lessons… I had to sit or walk slowly every day...

I woke up at 3:30 am, ate only 2 meals in the morning, slept only 4 hours a night... until I figured it out on my own.

Sometimes the lights got brighter or I felt like I was walking on air, or that my whole body disappeared… just from meditating. I saw myself in multiple dimensions.

It wasn’t easy… in fact, it was torture, especially for the first 6 months.

After which point, I had a breakthrough that made the last 6 months fly by.

Every day was the same, but the pain had passed and suddenly felt like a breeze. I stopped being tired. I stopped feeling hungry.

Yet nothing changed in my external environment. My mind and body synced up and became MUCH more powerful

Cultivate patience and kindness towards yourself and others

 While developing a deep inner wisdom about yourself and the world around you

The 5 levels of advancement

in this YEAR OF SILENCE System:

  • Focus & multi-task efficiently Being quicker and more efficient throughout the working day so that your performance and the number of tasks completed increase


  • Be aware of your thoughts without judgment Be less likely to buy into automatic assumptions and gain the curiosity to ask questions and gain information before forming a conclusion


  • Powerfully rewrite your subconscious thoughts The goal of reprograming your subconscious mind is to uncover old limiting beliefs and rewrite them into new empowering one's


  • Non-attachment: See yourself in different dimensions I saw firsthand that our mind has no limits or boundaries. Imagine if you can access other ways of seeing and be open to that on the spin of a dime too!


  • .

  • Say good-bye to imposter syndrome Give yourself permission to have a growth mindset. Your unique set of experiences and perspectives are what make you valuable

This isn’t a magic, overnight potion that fixes all of your problems, but it’s a great start. 

My technique is different.


Easy to learn for people of all backgrounds and ages.



It doesn’t do anyone any good to be peaceful with your eyes closed and legs crossed, then hot and bothered or annoyed when life gets tough

  • Embark on an inner journey like never before!

  • Discover what you really want in life

  • The path to actually get there is revealed

  • Learn techniques that help make yourself the #1 top priority again


Bonus #1:

Learn that you can have fun with your "dark side" and get your inner demons on your side

Value: $59.99


Bonus #2

Understand what it takes to go from unknown to Purposely Famous by downloading the Purposely Famous roadmap

Value: $59.99


Bonus #3

Get my exact Facebook ad template that's helped me earn $1 million over the years for my business

Value: $59.99


Bonus #4

Living a 5-Star lifestyle is easier than you think... if you know the right questions to ask and dig deeper to find the right answers

Value: $59.99


By the end of this training, you’ll have a technique that helps you compartmentalize your thoughts. 

Compartmentalizing your thoughts means you can have many trains of thought at once but none of them bother you… aka FREEDOM. 

It’s like watching yourself in a movie… inside another movie within that movie (The Matrix and Inception movies aren’t too far off… Great job, Hollywood!) 

Sounds weird, but let's have fun with it, right? Because it's NOT fun to be bogged down by negative thoughts or bad habits that don’t serve you.

"I've discovered that I've been really attached to outcomes and try to control other people. Now I can sit back and wait with curiosity and love for whatever the outcome might be."

"This course helped me find (and then release) long held patterns of behavior that were negatively affecting my life. I feel more calm and confident in all areas of my life."

"Learning to truly remember and know who I am has been one of the most valuable aspects of this course. Closely behind that is learning how to help others find themselves too."

"Being equipped to continue this journey myself and to help others on the same journey is to wonderful for words! Thank you so much, Karin, from the bottom of my heart."

If You're Struggling to Make the Next Major Breakthrough

In Your Career, Business, Or Social Life...

You probably need to MEDITATE more!

Say Good-bye to wasted time and

Hello to Freedom, Fulfillment, and Fun!

Handle demanding responsibilities in less time with less stress

So that nothing phases you!

TECHNIQUE 1: Breathing

In this training:

  • Find peace and a calm conviction in the middle of chaos

TECHNIQUE 2: Labeling

In this training:

  • Stop getting annoyed by talking, loud noises, or traffic that you can't control

TECHNIQUE 3: Confidence

In this training:

  • Finally know that you're good enough, just as you are

TECHNIQUE 4: Sleeping

In this training:

  • Calm the mind so that you get better quality sleep

TECHNIQUE 5: Walking

In this training:

  • This is so much more than sitting with your eyes closed, find peace no matter what you do


In this training:

  • Get rid of self-criticism while you eat and of what you eat


Bonus #1: Befriend your "dark side" lesson

Bonus #2: Purposely Famous roadmap

Bonus #3: $1 million dollar Facebook ad template

Bonus #4: 5-Star Lifestyle Assessment

You don't need to prove yourself to anyone else anymore

Consider this a conscious upgrade for your brain that opens its doors to infinity and beyond!

Well, always think big but realistically at least this will help you smile a little bit more today

Total value: $197

"Letting go is my biggest takeaway!"

It’s never too late to learn a new technique that helps bring out the best in you.

Having someone to show you your way – the same way the monks showed me mine – will make a world of a difference for you, starting from the inside out.

"Shine like a diamond!"

Master directing your emotions the right way and you'll be powerful whenever you want

for $27:

  • Technique 1: How to stay peaceful, centered, and sharp in any situation

  • Technique 2: Stay focused despite conflicting thoughts and sounds around you

  • Technique 3: Build confidence and feel invincible and unstoppable every day

  • Technique 4: Fall asleep immediately and sleep peacefully all night

  • Technique 5: Walk, talk, move around and do daily tasks with more ease

  • Technique 6: Eat mindfully in a way that smoothes digestion and your soul

  • Bonus 1: A sneak peek into why you need to befriend your "dark side"

  • Bonus 2: Downloadable Purposely Famous roadmap

  • Bonus 3: Get my Facebook ad template that's worth $1 million USD

  • Bonus 4: "Are you living a 5-star lifestyle" assessment

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Navigate the ups and downs of life with joy

  1. Don't stress about things the way you used to

  2. Feel more in touch with your intuitive side

  3. Use your imagination and open to your feelings

Train yourself to handle the complexities of life without being tied down by them

Just because you're a spiritual person doesn't mean you need to feel guilty about having fun.

Have a wild side? No problem.

That “meh” attitude toward things that used to make you shudder with excitement? Nowhere to be seen. 

Those spikes of pain that come from a past breakup? No longer even among your list of worries.

Lack of purpose or direction? Once you’ve invested enough time, the floodgates of clarity will open. 

Even your sense of fun will be heightened while developing higher levels of self-awareness, focus, and clarity

Taking charge of how you FEEL


Unlock Your Program and 4 Bonuses NOW


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© 2022 Purposely Famous. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Getting rich quickly doesn’t exist. However, hard work, creating value and serving others does. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. Make sure you read our Earnings & Products Disclaimer HERE before you purchase the product. Please also familiarize yourself with:


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